
Santa Maria 4. - Modifying the cabin's bulkhead

I made some changes to the kit design, although a hell lot of error on this kit.

The poop deck captain's cabin also has a makeover

Changing plan,moving the door to starboard side and adding one window in the middle,but first I had to cut the window opening and the door opening in the bulkhead, using my rotary tool and drilling holes side by side on the marked line of the door and window, then using a flat file to shape them smooth.

Just to represent better what changes I made from the kit provided plan,the original plan shows two ladder on each side (starboard and port) for the poop deck,I have eliminated the port side ladder and keep one ladder on starboard side ,also the poop deck railing will be closed up on the starboard side, just above the cabin door.

Here is a picture from the original plan

                                              And the modification is following this plate

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